Stop! You’ve comitted the crime! What crime? Vandalism… What do police do against vandals?
If police arrest you, you’ll be punished. In the Netherlands you’ll be punished by Bureau Halt, a special organisation that’s responsible for crime like vandalism, use firework while it’s forbidden to do that and more things like these.
The vandals had to do a so called ‘taakstraf’. They had to clean walls, stations, public places, the sidewalk, a big square etc. They’ll do this for a few months, weeks or days. But they’ll ask questions too. Questions like ‘why did you do this?’, ‘how are you going to make your parents trusting you and believe the others thing you have done?’ and ‘how do you think about you’ve done?’
But… after this months, weeks or days the most vandals fall in recurrence. Some vandals will not, but a majority of them will fall in recurrence. Do we had to find another way of punishing them? What can police do against them, if the so called ‘taakstraf’ doesn’t meant anything in some of the Dutch city’s.
In the Netherlands, people destroying things for 250 million euros. Bureau Halt want to make students at secondary schools consciously. They show pictures of vandalised places. Of course they show pictures of firework and things like that, but that’s not about the topic we’re talking about. The students realise that students who committed crime like this, don’t have real manners.
Why are some students becoming vandals? That’s a question that’s questioned many times. There are a few reasons. Some people were bullied in the past en are looking for something they can do to let their feelings out of themselves. But the most attentive reason is ‘bad friends’. Some friends, who’re already vandals, can affect their friends who don’t vandalise. If this non-vandal friend isn’t unsure about himself or herself, it’s very easy to affect him or her. They don’t tell their parents what they are up to, because they think it’s a bit embarrassing, but that isn’t at all. You should say ‘no’ to bad friends who are affecting you.
It’s necessary to tell you’re parents you are a vandal. If you don’t really want to vandalise, they can help you. Of course, you’re parents always want to know what you’re up to, even if you really like to vandalise. It will be no surprise for them, that you’ll be at the police station in a few months…
The police will talk with you about what you’ve done. As I told earlier, you will risk a ‘taakstraf’ for a few months, weeks, days and if you have luck: a few hours. At least, I want to show you a few experiences from people who committed crime like vandalism and were punished by bureau halt…
- To be continued -